Thursday, July 10, 2008

between houses...

i feel like i don't really live IN a house right now.


i'm going back and forth between my home in kennesaw and my house in columbus.

and really, when i read that last sentence again, it explains it all.

i feel like my home in kennesaw is my home, but i'm not spending enough time there for me to feel like i'm actually living there. and the home i'm living in columbus is just a roof.

i'm not saying that i don't enjoy living in columbus, but it just isn't home.


i really would like to find myself here in comlumbus and get an idea of what my identity is, because i feel like i've always been associated with other people and never just been me.

like back in high school, i was me. jim pharr.

but, in columbus i'm jim, jeremiah, and caroline.


not saying this is a bad thing. i love them. the are the kindest people i know, but i'd like to be known as jim pharr. not as a group.

that's what i'm feeling right now as i plan to leave my HOUSE behind and go HOME for the weekend.

thanks for reading, whoever you are. hope you got something from this.



general auditions are coming around next month. i don't know what i'm doing, but i think i'm going to find it soon. i can feel it.

jason laiche is playing with me at Picasso's on the 30th of this month. drive to come see it, he's incredible. and i might bring back evan fricks who killed it the last time out. COME SEE ME!



Jono said...

sorry columbus doesn't seem like home, but dude, i'm here to support you anytime.

jimpharr. said...

thanks man!